I’ve recently been searching the job market and finding how important it will be to market myself well. As a recent college graduate there is a need for me to delve deeply into commercial ideologies. Resumes are things dense with keywords and descriptions, and surely there is a most effective way to arrange these kinds of words in contexts that I’m not so familiar with yet.
My searching has also changed my ordinary day. Previously my own interests filled my schedule, whereas now it is the interests of the commercial world that do. Before starting to read daily about WordPress, Drupal, and other relevant commercial products, I read about programming languages used for data manipulation and articles on mathematics topics. Alas now I change my ways so that more people might come to know me some day, even going so far so as to learn some Inkscape and Illustrator to create quality vector images like the ones seen on this page. I propose two words necessary for fulfilling the task at hand, buzzword and advertise, then I will talk about what it ultimately means to me in the back of my mind.
The Current Task
I believe that everything is reducible to a problem of language usage and comprehension, so first I will give definitions for terms stated to be important to the issue. This will ensure that anybody will have the opportunity to be on the same page.
buzz·word /ˈbəzˌwərd/ noun
a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.
ad·ver·tise /ˈadvərˌtīz/ verb
describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.

Given these definitions it should be clear that effective usage of the words will satisfy the problem I am having. I must make the people of this particular context have a fashionable opinion of me. If relevant future employers feel that I am up-to-date on the current technologies and ideas, then they will be more apt to hire me. It is the usage of appropriate buzzwords which gives them such an opinion of me only if I can manage to advertise myself effectively. I will attempt to grok such a vocabulary having these words, then formulate a way to show myself off such that all of my qualities relevant to employers are on display.
The Future
Alas it all leads towards the future. Humans are a specification of animals. We are biological, but it seems also that all we do leads towards becoming technological. As animals we find ourselves to be social so we created words. As thinkers we developed relevant concepts to solve the problems in our lives. We then decided that we liked to see good typography for the words we use, and we somehow came to appreciate good-looking images on the devices we hold; things extraneous to the being animals, things part of a greater sphere of understanding, a consciousness of the world around us.
no·o·sphere /ˈnōəˌsfir/ noun
a postulated sphere or stage of evolutionary development dominated by consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships.

I hope to be a big part of this human-wide endeavor, but firstly I must make everyone else aware of this. I must advertise myself as being capable of working within the organism of the noosphere, then help to develop it myself in ways that others can then move the future development. In the meantime I am learning the tools put in place by those before me to make more easy my coalescence with the physical relationships already in place. It is:
“... the individual human being represents a corpuscular magnitude [so] he must be subject to the same development as every other species of corpuscles in the World: that means that he must coalesce into physical relationships and groupings that belong to a higher order than his.”
With my help maybe humanity can find the metaphysical point at end of the biological reproductive sequence. It is something like this:
“At that node of ultimate synthesis, the internal spark of consciousness that evolution has slowly banked into a roaring fire will finally consume the universe itself. Our ancient itch to flee this woeful orb will finally be satisfied as the immense expanse of cosmic matter collapses like some mathematician's hypercube into absolute spirit.”