Complex Contest

My aunt Shelly asked me an interesting question about a weight loss competition she competed in. The goal of the competition was to see who could lose the most weight. To those who don’t know, my aunt Shelly doesn’t weigh very much, which means that she started with a major disadvantage. After ending up losing the competition she thought her results were better than the other competitors somehow, so asked me how something like this could actually be calculated better. She wanted to win that competition!


First, lets consider some data needed for a weight loss competition. A contestant will have a weight, which means that we can calculate the weight at the beginning of the competition and at the end of it. In each competition with my cousin Shelly, we’ll refer to her as \(s\), there will be a weight for her \(s_{i}\) at the beginning and \(s_{f}\) at the end of the competition. When there are multiple competitions, the function \(\nu\) may differ. The differing functions, our collection of normalizing functions, can so be denoted \(\nu_{1}, \nu_{2}, \dots, \nu_{N}\).

In a simple case where there are two contestants, one being my aunt Shelly and the other being some other contestant \(c\), we can consider the following matrix as the data structure:

\[\begin{bmatrix} \nu_{1}(s) & \nu_{2}(s) \\ \nu_{1}(c) & \nu_{2}(c) \end{bmatrix},\]

where \(s\) and \(c\) are shorthand for \((s_{i}, s_{f})\) and \((c_{i}, c_{f})\), and we can define \(\nu_{1}\) to be the difference and \(\nu_{2}\) to be the relative difference of the beginning and ending weight. For future convenience, there is also the condition that the maximum value of any column is \(1\). We can use a normalizing function to achieve the condition for the \(\nu_{1}\) case by making \(\nu_{1}\prime(x) = (x_{i} - x_f)\) and \(\nu_{2}\prime(x) = (x_{i} - x_{f}) / x_{i}\), so that \(\nu_{1} = \nu_{1}\prime / \max\{\nu_{1}\prime(s), \nu_{1}\prime(c)\}\) and \(\nu_{2} = \nu_{2}\prime / \max\{\nu_{2}\prime(s), \nu_{2}\prime(c)\}\).

\[\begin{bmatrix} (s_{i} - s_{f}) / \max\{(s_{i} - s_{f}, c_{i} - c_{f})\} & (s_{i} - s_{f}) / (s_{i} \cdot \max\{(s_{i} - s_{f}) / s_{i}, (c_{i} - c_{f}) / c_{i}\}) \\ (c_{i} - c_{f}) / \max\{(s_{i} - s_{f}, c_{i} - c_{f})\}) & (c_{i} - c_{f}) / (c_{i} \cdot \max\{(s_{i} - s_{f}) / s_{i}, (c_{i} - c_{f}) / c_{i}\}) \\ \end{bmatrix}\]

An example calculation of this matrix for the data \((s_{i}, s_{f}) = (135.1, 125.3)\), \((c_{i}, c_{f}) = (150.2, 140.0)\) yields:

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0.96 & 1.00 \\ 1.00 & 0.94 \end{bmatrix}.\]

This means that Shelly would lose the difference competition by \(0.04\) points, but win the relative difference competition by \(0.06\) points. Using this point information, we can then derive a method to determine a winner in consideration of each competition. This is rather simple, as we can form a new vector that is a linear combination of each column in the vector. There is also imposed the constraint that the sum of scalars for each linear combination is \(1\). An example solution from this case might be \(0.75\) times the first column and \(0.25\) the second column.

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0.94 \\ 0.95 \end{bmatrix}\]

In this case the other contestant wins the combined competition. Or, where both competitions are weighted evenly at \(0.50\), it is

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0.98 \\ 0.97 \end{bmatrix},\]

and Shelly wins.


It is possible to use very much the same methods on larger competitions with more people, and with more categories as well. We could have an \(M \times N\) size array

\[\begin{bmatrix} \nu_{1}(c_1) & \nu_{2}(c_1) & \dots & \nu_{N}(c_1) \\ \nu_{1}(c_2) & \nu_{2}(c_2) & \dots & \nu_{N}(c_2) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \dots \\ \nu_{1}(c_M) & \nu_{2}(c_M) & \dots & \nu_{N}(c_M) \end{bmatrix}.\]

Implementation (in Rust)

I used the following structs in my implementation code:

pub struct Contestant<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    weight_start: f32,
    weight_end: f32,

pub struct Competition<'a> {
    scores: Vec<f32>,

pub struct Contest<'a> {
    competitions: Vec<Competition<'a>>,
    contestants: Vec<Contestant<'a>>

I’ve elided some of the associated functions to these structs, but the following demonstrates the normalizing function and an example usage that I use to define the Debug trait which we can then use with the println! macro to display the array.

impl<'a> competition<'a> {
    /// Returns a vector of normalized scores
    pub fn normalized_scores(&self) -> Vec<f32> {
        let highest = self.scores.iter().fold(-f32::MAX, |highest, score| {
            if score > &highest {
            } else {
        self.scores.iter().map(|s| s / highest).collect()

impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Contest<'a> {
    /// Debug trait implementation for Contest. Prints a contestant.len() by
    /// competition.len() array
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let scores: Vec<Vec<f32>> = self.competitions
            .map(|comp| comp.linear_normalized_scores())

        let mut format_str = String::new();

        for j in 0..self.contestants.len() {

            for i in 0..self.competitions.len() {
                format_str.push_str(&format!("{:5.2}", scores[i][j]));
        write!(f, "{}", format_str)

Using the library is as easy as building up a vector of contestants, then creating a contest with those contestants. For example:

let shelly = Contestant::new("Shelly", 135.1, 125.3);
let sarah = Contestant::new("Sarah", 150.2, 140.0);
let bob = Contestant::new("Bob", 187.8, 174.4);
let contest = Contest::new(vec![shelly, sarah, bob]);
println!("{:?}", contest);

which prints the following:

0.06 0.07
0.91 1.00
1.00 0.89