About Me

Hello! I call myself Mathematician and Web Developer and aspire to make an important impact on the World Wide Web. If you’re interested in what I’ve already done, check out these lists of things. Also please make sure to check back in sometime!

I’ve Put My Face on the Internet

Old Stuff I’ve Made And Probably Won’t Work On

  • Clojure commodities market simulation concept (repository, prototype). Eventually want to create a fun incremental game for people to play, including an as large as possible set of commodities as well as achievements, a server-run market of varying commodities to influence markets, and potentially a global leaderboard.

  • Personal finance application concept (repository, prototype). Idea is to allow user to add collections of recurring payments, then using that to reactively graph expected overall balances below. Eventually want to allow input of individual payments, then using an interpolating function to guess the recurring payments. Uses React/Redux, and Recharts.

  • Open world JavaScript video game concept (repository). Currently have implemented basic controls and a camera/scene to follow the character around the map. Utilizes React and PIXI.

School Papers

School Notes

The Blog Technology

Checkout the Github repository to get some insight about how I made this blog. It’s free, and open source (MIT).