Industry Technologies

I’ve recently been searching the job market and finding how important it will be to market myself well. As a recent college graduate there is a need for me to delve deeply into commercial ideologies. Resumes are things dense with keywords and descriptions, and surely there is a most effective way to arrange these kinds of words in contexts that I’m not so familiar with yet.

Social Media

I’m going to start off by going through a brief history of my experiences using the Internet and social media. I will attempt to detail the parts of it that are important. Then I’m going to present an idea related to the history and the important parts.

Words that everybody probably knows

So I have a tendency to think a lot about language. I’m not sure why. In learning programming languages I’ve always tended to relate the syntax to that of the English that I know, and think usually that the most well-written code is the kind which reads most closely to natural language (making a contradictory somewhat to the typical definition of code, but I found recently that Richard Davey thinks this as well). Unfortunately, it seems this kind of syntactical or lexical interest doesn’t make me the most interesting conversation partner. I can quote my roommates as telling me that they “don’t want to have ‘semantic’ arguments” with me, though truthfully I only wished to denote better the thoughts they were having.

Mystical (Mathematical) Argument

A Mathematical Philosopher